Thursday, November 18, 2010

I am LOST ..Feel so DEAD !!

Known the way and still so lost.

Another night waiting for someone to take me home.

Have you ever been so lost?
The problem with finding yourself is that you have to know who you want to be. I think.
Or maybe you know all along who you want to be, but you just don't know how to get there. Or maybe you've always known who you want to be, but then you start believing the world's greatest lie:

At a certain point in our lives we lose control of what's happening to us and our lives become controlled by fate.

"Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own." [The Alchemist]

 I judge myself by judging others, but is that the way to be? How do I know what is best for me? Do I already know?

I know I want to be a loved and love you, but these damn obstacles keep me back. Like not making enough time for you and me, me trying to impress too many people and getting too immersed with my job, or me not knowing what kind of person you want me to be.

I want to work but i love u too..i want to be the best lover. Yes, that is what I want to be. That is why I still go on. And I'll be damned if I don't achieve my dream. I'll be damned to the deepest ring of hell for giving up.

Have you ever been so lost?

Known the way and still so lost?


  1. Defeat: A failed outcome in an objective or a set of objectives. Although losing/failures are possible they are not the essence of human life. life is not about dread and defeat and anguish but about achievement an...d exaltation. You treat a failure for exactly what it is…failure; and learn whatever you can from it and move on to your goal/purpose unhindered by it (having already learned from it).

  2. And winning what? Where? Are you in a competitive sport? Or a game of poker? In the end, what matters is your having achieved your purpose. That is “success”. You have won when you have succeeded. Others don’t matter, unless they have been collaborators with you on the path to your success.

  3. Determination is your ability to move on without diluting your passion and vigor AND without compromising with your dreams and goals even then when you are left alone and deserted.

  4. I am determined to take this voyage WITH YOU or WITHOUT YOU".
